
Monday 29 October 2012

Energy Rating Labels

Air conditioners are the greatest consumers of electricity among all home appliances,this being an inescapable fact it is possible to reduce your energy consumption by combining the purchase of  an air conditioner with high energy star rating and conscientious use.
 There are three different labels for air conditioners ,one for heating,one for cooling and another combined label for heating and cooling.In addition to star rating two kilowatt measurements are noted on the labels, one for output and other for input.Interestingly the output capacity will be shown higher!!


 To find star rating convert the capacity into Tonnes

  For a 1 TR machine it is 3152 W (the cooling capacity)

 Divide cooling capacity by power consumption say 990W; This gives EER

 Here it is 3152/990 =3.5

 Star rating is determined from this value, 3.5 is five star rating.(More can be found from Energy efficiency

Star rating list of various brands are available at Standards & Labeling Pgm

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